In this unit, third grade students will be introduced to various concepts such as:

  • matter
  • classifying substances as either soluble or insoluble
  • force and motion
  • simple and compound machines
  • describing ways energy from the sun is used

SCI QUIZ 301 A: WHAT IS SCIENCEThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
SCI QUIZ 301 B: ESTABLISHING THEORIES AND LAWSThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
SCI QUIZ 301 C: OBSERVATION AND EXPERIMENTATIONThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
SCI QUIZ 301 D: BENEFITS OF SCIENTIFIC INQUIRYThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
SCI QUIZ 302 A: UNDERSTANDING MATTERThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
SCI QUIZ 302 B: MASS AND VOLUMEThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
SCI QUIZ 302 C: PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL PROPERTIESThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
SCI QUIZ 302 D: EVIDENCE OF PHYSICAL/CHEMICAL CHANGESThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
SCI QUIZ 303 A: UNDERSTANDING FORCEThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
SCI QUIZ 303 B: CHANGING AN OBJECT'S POSITIONThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
SCI QUIZ 303 C: GRAVITY AND FORCE This course requires an enrolment keyInformation
SCI QUIZ 303 D: SIMPLE AND COMPOUND MACHINESThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
SCI TEST 301: WHAT IS SCIENCEThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
SCI TEST 302: DESCRIBING MATTER AND ITS PHYSICAL AND CHEMICAL CHANGES This course requires an enrolment keyInformation
SCI TEST 303: FORCE, MOTION, AND SIMPLE MACHINESThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation