In this unit, students will continue with Old Testament Scripture.

CEC QUIZ 404 A-GOD SPEAKS TO GIDEONThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
CEC QUIZ 404 B-SAMSON'S HAIRThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
CEC QUIZ 404 C-RUTH AND NAOMIThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
CEC QUIZ 404 D-HANNAH'S PRAYERSThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
CEC QUIZ 405 A-THE VOICEThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
CEC QUIZ 405 B-GOD'S CHOICEThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
CEC QUIZ 405 C-DOING GREAT THINGSThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
CEC QUIZ 405 D-THE ARK OF GODThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
CEC QUIZ 406 A-SOLOMON'S GIFTThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
CEC QUIZ 406 B-THE ARGUMENTThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
CEC QUIZ 406 C-THE MESSENGERThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
CEC QUIZ 406 D-THE KING AND QUEENThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
CEC TEST 404-OLD TESTAMENT SCRIPTUREThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
CEC TEST 405-OLD TESTAMENT SCRIPTUREThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
CEC TEST 406-OLD TESTAMENT SCRIPTUREThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation