This covers Seventh Grade English Unit II, Lessons 704-706.

ENG QUIZ 704 A - SIMPLE SENTENCESThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
ENG QUIZ 704 B-COMPOUND SENTENCESThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
ENG QUIZ 704 C-COMPLEX SENTENCESThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
ENG QUIZ 704 D- COMPOUND COMPLEX SENTENCESThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
ENG QUIZ 705 A-EFFECTIVE PARAGRAPHSThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
ENG QUIZ 705 B-UNITY AND COHERENCEThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
ENG QUIZ 705 C-PARTS OF A COMPOSITIONThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
ENG QUIZ 705 D-TYPES OF PARAGRAPHSThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
ENG QUIZ 706 A- WHAT IS DESCRIPTIVE WRITING?This course requires an enrolment keyInformation
ENG QUIZ 706 B- DESCRIPTIVE WRITING: THESIS SENTENCEThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
ENG QUIZ 706 C- WRITING INTRODUCTORY PARAGRAPHSThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
ENG QUIZ 706 D- WRITING CONCLUDING PARAGRAPHSThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
ENG TEST 704-COMPOUND AND COMPLEX SENTENCES IN WRITINGThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
ENG TEST 705-PARTS OF A COMPOSITIONThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation
ENG TEST 706- DESCRIPTIVE WRITINGThis course requires an enrolment keyInformation